Effective sexual booster – Kamagra oral jelly

The stress caused in today’s busy life is leading to many sexual disorders. Some are very spontaneous and some are induced due to the external factors like stress, pollutants, radiations etc. These factors cause impotency. Every 4 out of 15 men are victims of erectile dysfunction. Impotency is the inadequate secretion of testosterone from the male reproductive system as it is not capable of doing normal. This leads to a very abnormal erection. This condition is called erectile dysfunction or ED. The treatment of this condition is best done by the consumption of a medication comprising of sildenafil citrate. Kamagra Viagra jelly consists of sildenafil citrate and is also referred to as kamagra sildenafil jelly. Erectile dysfunction treatment with kamagra jelly is now easy as one can order kamagra oral jelly online at get it at their doorstep. There are certain web drugstores where one can buy kamagra jelly without prescription. There also discount for kamagra jelly in some web drugstores.

Kamagra for Ed Treatment

Kamagra for Ed Treatment

  • What is kamagra jelly for ED?
    Kamagra jelly for ED is a sex drug whose active ingredient is sildenafil citrate. It belongs to the PDE-5 group of inhibitors and it inhibits natural erection. It does the role of a great vasodilator. 85% of the people using this have found positive results.
  • Advantages of kamagra sildenafil jelly:
  1. Kamagra is the best sex drug as the rate of reaching the blood stream in kamagra is very fast and starts its functioning soon
  2. It results in good vasodilation of the genital area and that leads to increased flow of blood into the arteries of the penis and leads to natural erection.
  3. The erection lasts for a period of 5-6 hours which is quite a long time for a good sexual intercourse.
  4. It is manufactured by Ajanta Pharmaceuticals and they are the best in taking care of the sterilized manufacture of these drugs.
  5. It is available in the form a jelly enclosed in sachets. It can be easily squeezed and consumed.
  • It is available in exotic flavors which are tasty for consumption.
  • The consumption methodology: one must consume this once in 24 hours exactly before 45 minutes of sexual intercourse. It starts showing its effect in half an hour after consumption. It should be consumed with a large glass of water. The best dose is kamagra oral jelly 100 mg. this is the best strong dose.
  • Like every sex drug in the industry this also has side effects. Most common ones are; light sensitivity, blurred vision, blueness in vision.
  • The severe side effects; erection which is longer than 4 hours, loss of vision and hearing.
  • Storage of the medication can be done at room temperature around 25 degrees Celsius. It should be kept away from women, children and pets as it is not for them. Store in cool dry place.
  • Patients suffering heart problems must strictly avoid this medication.

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